A learning organisation
With our experience from the first 20 years of our business history, we have embarked on a difficult but correct journey to become a learning organisation. We learn to work in a way that achieves balance between individual initiative and creativity on one hand, and rules and discipline on the other.
We identify closely with the definition of a learning organisation as brought into the world of management by Peter M. Senge: „A learning organisation is one where people ceaselessly expand their skills to achieve results which they truly desire; where care is taken to encourage new, discovering ways of thinking, and where people continuously learn how to learn together.“
NEONLAK’s goal is to improve competitiveness by ways of innovation in services and processes, as well as permanent adaptation to changes in the environment.
We respect systems logic. We strive to interconnect all actions so that no one action takes place in isolation. For example the relationship between an employee and their superior is grounded in a system of rewards, career growth opportunities and other organisational processes.
Ideas, thoughts and knowledge brought by individual employee at NEONLAK are to be generalised and shared for use and verification by other employees – knowledge of an individual is to have impact on the whole organisation, organisational knowledge is not only such that is known by the upper management.
We approach learning gradually from the simple to the complex, from a lower learning level to a higher one. The lower level takes place within a given organisational structure and a defined set of rules, the higher leads to the editation of rules and norms.
We at NEONLAK learn to support the acceptance of informed risk, because it increases the skill to learn, look up information, recognize problems, thoroughness in processing and evaluation of information and motivation towards quicker adaptation.
We at NEONLAK endeavour to use two sources for learning: own experience and the experience of others.
We learn to be able to seek out curent and new opportunities, to be able to improve the level of current services and at the same time to create a competitive edge using a new character of services offered.
As a learning organisation we are able to flexibly adapt to changes, our employees will be well oriented in trends and together with our employees we are able to build suitable conditions for the sustainability of work applicability of our employees.