Code of Conduct
NEONLAK spol. s r.o. (later NEONLAK or the Company) declares that it will adhere to this Code of Conduct, which represents the principles of a modern, dynamic, honest and responsible business.
The main reasons for the creation of this Code of Conduct were:
- to define basic principles of the Company’s workings
- to set behavioral standards and norms for all Company employees and workers, including its suppliers
- to eliminate such activities of employees and workers of the Company, that could have a negative impact on the good name of NEONLAK spol. s. r.o., its clients or suppliers
- to motivate all employees towards ethical behaviour, because these rules are the same for all
- to apply a professional, responsible, friendly attitude towards all its customers with the goal of fulfilling their requirements in the sense of these ethical norms
Our attitude towards employees
The Code hereby commits to creating a work environment such that treats each employee with respect and dignity. By this we intend to support personal growth of employees, their education, use of new technologies for work and to create a pleasant environment for all. All relationships within the Company, that is, relationships towards employees, between employees, as well as superior-subordinate relationships are to use mutual trust using a free exchange of information, irrespective of work positions. Use of vulgar words, accusations, belittling, discrimination, violence, verbal or physical harrassment is prohibited. Every employee is to prevent workplace conflicts. If there is indeed a conflict, each side is to contribute professionally and openly to its resolution. During the performance of work duties, employees come into contact with important, often classified information of the Company, its clients, as well as information about the financial or trade situation of clients. Employees therefore approach information with suitable expertise and care, in contact with third parties, utmost discreetness is paramount. Company also commits to prevent discrimination. It is assumed that Company employees will be citizens of different countries, and so we support cultural diversity and the construction of an international team. Company does not tolerate any form of forced, coerced or child labour and will not force any of its employees to act in violation of these rules.
Our stance towards customers and trade partners
Our goal is to construct long-lasting trade relations founded on mutual trust, honesty, correct attitude and the fulfilment of our customers‘ needs and interests. The Company, in regards to the clients, potential clients and trade partners, acts politely, honestly and responsibly. It does not put the interests of one client above the other, it follows the principle of equal treatment. It supplies clients with truthful, correct, recent and complete information about services offere, and it does not use underhanded business practices which could in any way cause harm to the customer. The Company takes care to fulfill the wishes and requests of the client and puts maximum effort into reaching a mutually beneficial solution. Our goal is a quality, expedient and well-organised work for our client. All information regarding the Company, its clients and trade partners are considered classified, without the option to provide them to a third party. The Company shall not abuse its position on the market and commits to creating equal opportunities for al trade partners, as well as meet conditions resulting from contracts – all the while expecting the same stance and treatment from its partners.
Responsibility and the protection of our good name
All Company employees, including its management, are responsible for their actions, decisions and chosen working methods. They are fully aware of their individual competencies, which are contained in their work, and adhere to the rules of entrepreneurial ethics, and they care about their professional honour. The Company has gained its good name with a longstanding reputation for integrity and competence. Every employees takes care of the good name of the firm, protects its interests and commits to:
- protect the intellectual property, trade secrets and all customer details, their requests and work methods, that is, Company’s know-how
- ensure quality and correctness of services offered
- fulfill contractual obligations
- protect the material capital of the firm as well as the professionality of persons representing the legal entity
The basic premises for all Company employees:
- value system: respect, discipline, mutual trust
- professionality and qualification for the completion of assigned tasks
- loyalty towards the Company and its customers
- creativity and independence in task fulfilment
- effectiveness and efficiency, that is doing the right things the right way
Our stance towards competition
The Company believes in just and open communication on the world market, and so respects laws regulating competitive relations. It treats competition with honour, in accordance to the good manners of competition and in the interest of the good name of the whole industry. It respects the good name of the competition, treating all competing parties as equals. In any contact with the competition, employees are obligated to proceed with adequate caution in order to prevent the breach of laws. Company employees are not allowed to spread information about Company’s stock market shares, its business strategy or other internal matters, as well as take part in activities infringing fair competition laws. While propagating offered services, Company uses truthful and complex informations to allow the client to decide based on facts.
Our stance towards society and the state
The Company commits to respecting legislative rules, norms and laws of the Czech Republic and takes care of transaction transparency. It also commits to act as a responsible subject in regards to the state, region and society at large as well as to support them timely and truthful information.
Closing words of the Code of Conduct
The Code of Conduct is a business document of strategic importance, it represents the sum of ethical principles, norms and rules which are binding for all Company employees, disregarding their position, as well as for all who act in Company’s name. The Code of Conduct stems from ethical principles, responsibility, respect for human dignity, honesty and tolerance. Every employee is to act in a way in which he will avoid the breach of the Code of Conduct. Every employee who learns of a breach of the Code of Conduct is to report this to a direct superior or a worker tasked with the resolution of ethical matters. Whoever reports a breach of conduct shall not be sanctioned in any way. In case of uncertainties regarding the Code of Conduct, each employee has the right to demand an explanation.
In Mladá Boleslav 10/07/2022